Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Text File
608 lines
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- Brief Instructions -
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- for -
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- P PAD V2.4 Q -
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- (C) 1989,1990,1991,1992 by Heiko Gemmel -
- last change on 13.10.1991 -
PI) Introduction:Q
The Program is the familiar and by me highly-valued STAD emulated,
but that does not mean that I have simply copied it. It has been rather
that the Advantages of STAD I have used and my own Ideas incorporated.
The User shell presents no problem, here all Functions with the left
Mouse button become carried out and each Menu selection explains
in detail the Function (Icon & Text). Also the wonderful Star Designer
used me as Suggestion for several Functions.
First of all may I say the following: 'PAD' is not about "P" "A" "D" or
"PAD" marked, but "PÄD". The Meaning is English; 'PAD' is 'Sketchboard'
or 'Sketch pad'.
PII) PAD is not any more only 'Shareware':Q ( note: DM=Deutchmarks )
Since the Version 1.7 has been PAD as 'Shareware' marketed. 'Shareware' are
Programs, the everyone can copy and try. When the Program is pleasing,
should the User from the Author 'buy' it; otherwise it should be deleted.
The Price for PAD V2.4 amounts to 40 DM. I have the Price to 40 DM
increased, so the Price difference from PAD V2.4 to the commercial Version
PAD III (more about that in the next Chapter) not too large becomes. For
the Buyer is gained the following Advantage by Registering:
- the Buyer receives an in his Name registered PAD-Version 2.4
- the Buyer receives detailed Instructions on disk (a printed
Manual is at a Price of 40 DM not profitable...)
- the Buyer receives the commercial Version PAD III at a favorable
Update fee (details with it in the next Chapter)
- the Author is available for possible questions
What the user Registering should note:
All those who as Owners of PAD V2.4 want to register , should send to me
besides the Price of 40 DM additionally an un-labeled Disk and a
1.70 DM stamped Return envelope. If it is it to turn out well use a
padded (cushioned) Envelope. All orders that either no stamped Return
envelope or no Disk includes, will not work. That means, the Money I
will naturally keep, but the Buyer receives no Disk with his personal
PAD-Version 2.4 and the Manual is not sent to you (though you are of
course registered...). in exceptional cases (Abroad = no one German
Stamps), please include the Return postage-Money (1.70 DM).
The Amount of 40 DM should as a check the Letter include, or directly to
my (underfed) Account you may (interbank) transfer the funds.
A transfer is needed but isn't enough to register. With each transfer
should next the Name specified become and then a short Letter to me
write, into which your complete Address is placed (legible!) and the
stamped Return envelope as well as a Disk included. Immediately after
receiving this Letter will I the Program send off. During strong
demand can it possibly up to a Week be, before the ordered Program to
the Buyer arrives.
«Translator's Note: The author is referring to domestic German orders.
To order from the USA or Canada, you'll need to buy a money order in
Deutchmarks and will need to provide enough extra for airmail postage
back to you.»
My Address: Heiko Gemmel
Kormoranweg 33
4230 Wesel
My Bank connection: Kontonr.: 971929
BLZ.: 35650000
Verbandssparkasse Wesel
Still what others:
Whoever the Program PAD V2.4 may use commercially, that is allowed only
by my express Consent (in-writing request).
PIII) PAD III is a commercial ProgramQ
You have correctly read, in Time comes a commercial Version of
PAD with the Name PAD III onto the Market. That I from Shareware-Concept
get away , has nothing with lack of Success to do, but the exact
Reverse is the Case. I have so much Work with PAD, that I hardly still have
Time for other Activities, why I me determined have, the Marketing to
leave to other People, the more Time for improving the program have I.
I may in this Connection the Magazine 'TOS' and its Readers
hearty thank. By that Article and the supplemental Disk has PAD a
such a large following found, that even very many Registrations from
Abroad came. Also the Readers of the Magazine have themselves very fairly
behaved, from what I establish can, that I a lot of Mail from TOS-Readers
kept have. Also my Program very long in the PD-Hitlist been able to itself
keep being listed in, which me specially gladdened has.
Less gladdened has me, that in the TOS-Article some false Information
about PAD was contained. It had been first reported, that I for 40 DM the
next Version free of charge to the Buyer send. That is not true, my
update service functions completely differently (to be read in the Info.PAD
on the Disk...). by the way was on the order card listed a "Manual" for PAD
This has never existed, I have in my Info always just written something
about providing Instructions (on Disk).
All, that PAD use and me the Money Not pay have, should themselves
all Earnestly ask, whether it very fair is, a Program such as PAD as a
Pirate copy to use, for a "DUMPING-Price" (not whole grave GEMEINTER
Reproach of an Author of a familiar commercial Characters-Program...)
marketing becomes. «Translator's Note: You know what he means.»
Important for all registered Users of PAD V2.4:
Everyone, that either the Version 2.4 from me bought has, or the Version
2.4 as Update has gotten, has the Chance to the new PAD III for a favorable
Update fee of 60 DM to receive. That IS in the Sum (40 DM for PAD V2.4
plus 60 DM Update fee) some less than PAD III in comparison to its new cost
(129 DM). Therefore equals this Update offer only for Registrations,the up
to the Appearance of PAD III occur. All, who after that register, get up to
after the Update rights- only the registered Version of PAD 2.4 and
Instructions on Disk without Update rights to PAD III.
What with the Order(ing) of PAD III connected is:
As with every commercial Program there comes with PAD III a nice manual,
not only quite voluminous (about. 130 Pages), but containing an Index
and a terrific graphic section with many graphic examples provided,
providing beginners the means for Making use of of PAD a snap.
It becomes natural also for the commercial Version of PAD an update service to
give, there a Program never wholly perfect can be. The Version 2.4 has become
advanced as Shareware goes and yet as far as improved become, there 0 chance it
guaranteed error free be becomes (provided that not already now successful is...).
Of the expanded Faculties of PAD III now already to speak is premature,
here I myself still do not exactly know, how PAD III will look. Sure is
however now already, that PAD III not just all usual ST-/Mac-/PC-Picture
load into can (perhaps in Combination with«by PICON [*]), but also by a
(memory-dependent) Drawing area provides, the desired Sizes accept can.
In addition is there an Atari-Laser-Adaptation, an expanded Block menu and
different Text formatting-Functions for SIGNUM!-Fonts in Planning.
More detailed Information given about it by me under above-named Address or in
the next Year (1992) by my Marketing partner under following Address
Robert Rehrl
Stettener Weg 8
8221 Teisendorf
TEL.: 08666/6249
[*] Under this Address is also Information for PICON available. Also
handle it himself by a by me developed PICTURE-Converter, that also as
Basis (or as Partner) to the different Picture formats from PAD III is
used. In Contrast to its Competitors works PICON also as Accessory
as well, so that as desired Pictures into a Format converted become can,
which the current Main program read can (e.G. THAT'S WRITE and *.IMG).
Large Pictures, that not on one Disk fit (also so something given it...)
become on several Disk distributed, so that the storage of such Pictures
no Problem is. PICON works on all ST-compatible Computers with all
Graphic cards, that at least a Resolution of 600X380 monochrome Points
have. Color pictures become converted as in PAD into 16 Gray scales after
being S/W converted. All common ST-/PC-/Mac-Formats are supported.
PIV) Making use of:Q
At the Start of PAD appears the Main menu in the upper Half of the Picture
screen. Below appears a little Information, that by pressing a Key
or a Mouse button disappears. Now can you with the left Mouse button the
desired Menu selection 'mouse-click on'. Under the Main menu the bottom
Half of the current Picture appears. When you with the left Mouse button below
the Menus 'click', disappears the Main menu and the whole Picture appears.
Now can you by Clicking with the left Mouse button on the top and bottom
Quarter of the Monitor screen the Picture up and down shift. A press on
the right Mouse button to end the operation, and the Main menu appears
again. With the left Mouse button become all other Functions carried out.
to leave a Function or a Menu, must you always the right Mouse button
press. Then appears in the most Cases again the Main menu. If on the
Graphic parameters the Buffer mode 'REDUZIEREND' installed is, can it
something longer last, up until the Main menu again appears.
The Function 'Bezier curves' has following Specificity. When you with the Mouse
a Curve redrawn have, can you the control-point by pressing on the
left Mouse button still later shift. When you all Points like this have set
, as you may, press you the right Mouse button. Now appears not the
Main menu, but you can proceed 'dragging the Curve. When you into the
Main menu return may want, must you twice the right Mouse button press.
As Brief instructions should this be enough. Whoever has the detailed
Instructions, he can himself in the Chapter 'Shareware' exactly show you.
Only this much be here said: Whoever sens me the 40 DM, receives it
Ah yes, if you by Drawing make an Error, you can by Pressing the Key 'UNDO'
cancel the action.
PV) Print functions:Q
Are detailed in the Manual
PVI) Keyboard:Q
Some Functions, that by the Keyboard open become:
A) in the Main menu:
'K' - Color picture convert
'I' - Picture invert
'CLR HOME' - Picture delete
'V' - Picture with«by act. Pattern connect «Translator: ?»
'U' - the Contrast of the Pictures increase (UNFILL)
'O' - a thick Contour represent (Outline)
'ü' - a thin Contour represent
'F' - the Contour all (black) Area represent
'+' - Picture intensify (darken?)
'-' - Picture weaken (lighten?)
'F1' - Picture load
'F2' - Picture save
'F3' - Measurements configure
'F4' - Fill pattern configure
'F5' - Brush configure
'F6' - Line configure
'F7' - Text configure
'F8' - Spray can configure
'F9' - Graphic parameters configure
'F10' - N-angle configure
'Cursor UP' - Picture to above (up) scroll
'Cursor DOWN' - Picture to below (down) scroll
'Cursor LEFT' - Picture +1 (with SHIFT +10)
'Cursor RIGHT' - Picture -1 (with SHIFT -10)
'UNDO' - last Change cancel
'ESC' - Program quit
'HELP' - Program-Info (including. Work time & TOS-Version)
'2' - Snap-Distance => 2 (Snap)
'4' - Snap-Distance => 4 "
'6' - Snap-Distance => 8 "
'8' - Snap-Distance => 16 "
'0' - Snap off
g) during Drawing:
'M' - change between Mouse-pointer and Crosshair
'L' - switch on the little Magnifying glass
'F' - (ex)change the Drawing color between Black and White
',' - switch on Mirror-Horizontal
'.' - switch on Mirror-Vertical
'-' - switch on Mirror-Zero
'0' - '8' - see Main menu
'ü' - Graphic mode 'overwrite'
'D' - Graphic mode 'Transparent'
'E' - Graphic mode 'Exclusive-Or'
'I' - Graphic mode 'Inverted'
'UNDO' - last Action cancel
PVII) Other about PAD:Q
The Folder 'PAD-BILD (picture) ', 'GEMFONTS', 'Instructions', 'SIGNUM.FNT'
and 'BLOCKS' pertain to PAD. In it be itself Example-Pictures (e.g. from STAD),
Example-Fonts, the Instructions and several Blocks. PAD works with every
TOS-Version on the ST/STe/TT in the high ST-Resolution (min. 1 Mb). The Number
of Pictures becomes automatic by the Memory determined, on 1 Mb is it 6 Pictures,
on 4 Mb is it over 100 (how many is it on 16 Mb?).
On Starting the program PAD loads -if available- following Files and shows also
which it has found:
1) PAD .PAP (PAD-Paintbrush form)
2) PAD .PAS (PAD-Spraypaint form)
3) PAD .PAM (PAD-Pattern)
4) PAD .PAR (PAD-Parameter)
5) PAD .D24 (PAD-24-Needle-Driver) ! new Ending !
6) PAD .D9 (PAD-9-Needle-Driver) ! new Ending !
7) PAD .DLA (PAD-Laser-Driver) ! new Ending !
for PAD Version 2.3 becomes the Printer-Driver-Files like this changed, that it
not compatible with the original (*.P24, *.P9) are. The change of the
File extension results itself from the simple Fact, that I not careful had been, that
the SIGNUM!-Fonts the same Endings have. Also the Format of the new
Driver-Files is completely different from the original Format, so that each (one)
its Driver new give must. As that go, is placed only in the Instructions,
which it against the Registration fee of 40 DM by me given. All these
Files can also with PAD produced become.
Important: Only Files which Names PAD have, are by Starting the program
loaded. A File names 'New.PAR' e.g. not automatically loaded become,
could if Desired later loaded become.
PVIII) Earlier Updates:Q
New for Version 1.6:
- new Info (with TOS-Recognition and Work time display)
- Screensaver (switched itself after three Minutes , providing the User
no Activity shows)
- Effects-MENU (some Functions were before(hand) in other Menus, the most
are but new)
- Connection-MENU (some Functions are in the Effects-Menu UEBERGEGANGEN,
for it becomes new VERKNUEPFUNGSARTEN built-in)
- Block-MENU (the new Functions of Effects-MENU are also on Block
- 24-Needle-Print is about. 20% faster
- faster Magnifying glass
- new Magnifying functions: 'Mirror horizontal' and 'Mirror vertical'
- During all Text input can by 'UNDO' the last give in Text again
recalled become.
- all known Errors are removed and the Source code has been optimized
New for Version 1.7:
- Bezier curves with free adjustable control points
- Mouse-Snap-Function (adjustable from 2 up to 16 Pixels)
- Circle by 3 Point drawing
- File-Info show (Length, Dates, Time, Attribute)
- MONOSTAR save function
- short File (20000 Bytes less)
- the Coordinate become now relative for Mirror-Zero specified
(see Menu selection 'Graphic parameters')
- 3D-Polygon becomes by right Mouse button with the Startpoint connected
New for Version 1.8:
- Magnifying glass is essential faster
- Magnifying functions as Line, Rectangle, Ellipse and Fill becomes built-in
- UNDO is already in the Magnifying glass possible
- exact Mouse access in the Magnifying glass
- a permanent Magnifying glass accompanied on Desire the Drawing functions
- many Parameters can during the Draw(ing) changed become
- some Parameters become during the Draw(ing) highlighted
- Selection of the picture format also by Function keys possible
- by the ruler are the Markings for appearing
- Measurements becomes in mm specified
- Function 'File delete' is now in the Disk-Menu
- Fill patterns become expanded to 80 in all
- Reform the Configuration of Brush and Spray can
- Bezier curves can now into Actually now 'bent' become
- new Magnifying function, that you in the Picture 'drive around' can,
without the Magnifying glass leaving
- new Brief Instructions
New for Version 1.9:
- VDI-Picture save has been built-in
- VDI-Picture load has been improved
- Name (of) the registered user becomes shown
- the 'Crosshair-Error' has been removed
- all Paths of the Disk drives A-P become in the Memory contained
- new Block function: 'Turn'
- new Effect- and Block-Function: 'Contour Area'
- new Effect- and Block-Function: 'Contour Thin'
- new File-Function: 'File rename'
- new Graphic parameters-Menu
- newer Pattern-Editor
- newer Spraypaint-Editor
- newer Brush-Editor
- faster Spray can
- new Parameter-File
- Measurements adjustable into CM/mm/Inch/Pixel
- Destination (of) the Circle-/Ellipses during the Draw(ing)
- 'Circle by 3 Point' has been improved
- During several Drawing functions (e.G. Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse) become the
Width, the Height, the Radius or if necessary the Angle highlighted
New for Version 2.0:
- complete new Main menu
- new graphic Shaping all Submenus
- complete new Block-Menu
- Block mask
- Block STUFENLOS turn
- Block horizontal and vertical distort
- Block horizontal and vertical bend (sine formation)
- Block with Fill pattern connect
- Block-History-Function
- Block save as MONOSTAR-Object or as IMG-Block
- Block load as MONOSTAR-Object or as IMG-Block
- Lasso becomes in the Block-Menu renamed
- new Function 'Sponge'
- new Function 'ABPAUSEN'
- new Function 'Parallel'
- new Function 'Lead cases'
- new Function 'Quarter-Ellipses'
- Function 'N-Corner' conveniently
- all Configuration can during the Draw(ing) changed become (U.A. even
Pattern, Linewidth, Brush and Spray can)
- new Full screen- or. Screen scroll-Function
- 'STAD-Sequence load' function even with more than 10 Pictures (false
see Version 2.4...)
- 10X Mouse-Position save and again call (F1 - F10)
- SIGNUM! 24-Needle, 9-Needle and Editor-Fonts integrated into !!!
- Print in Normal size for 24-Needle-Printer has been improved
- Graphics can as BITBLK (for Rsc-Files) saved become
New for Version 2.1:
- Block load has been by following Formats expanded:
- STAD-Buffer
- Star-PAINTER-Block
- Block save has been by following Formats expanded:
- STAD-Buffer
- Star-PAINTER-Block
- following Effect- and Block-Functions are produced:
- Shadow black
- Shadow with Grey scale
- Shadow I with Fill pattern
- Shadow II with Fill pattern
- Contour thin with Fill pattern
- Contour thick with Fill pattern
- Contour and with Fill pattern connect
- Shadow-Width and -Direction are adjustable
- Fill pattern and Shadow can in the Block-Menu installed become
- Block mask with Contour (Skeleton)
- the Block menu has been improved
- Pattern-, Brush-, Printer- and other Files become now by Starting the program
found, when they in the same Folder as PAD are (not unconditionally Root
- the Combinations-Menu has been changed and a new Combination is
- Measurements-Function has been improved and expanded
- the Print-Menu has been changed and it becomes following Options new
- it can several Picture each (normal) or side by side
(small) printed become
- it can a left Margin installed become, so that the Hardcopy exactly in
the Middle (of) the Pictures is set becomes (Nice Greeting to Herrn Vogl,
that for this Option I have to thank...)
- the setup Picture can also repeatedly one after the other printed
New for Version 2.2:
- Greyscale with 2X128 Gray steps on all Figures and on the fill function
- new Magnifying function 'PBOX', by the you a filled Rectangle draw can
- all Magnifying functions can as 'eraser' used become, when the
Startpoint black is (as by 'Point draw')
- a Hardcopy by ALTERNATE-HELP becomes from it captured and on Command can
hereby the current Picture printed become (the Menu disappears)
- HP-DeskJet (Laser printer)-Driver is integrated, let itself indeed
still not from User to change.
- Spline-Interpolation is built-in became
New for Version 2.3:
- During the Text-Function can Special characters -as in 1ST WORD- given
- by the add of Blocks or SIGNUM!-Texts can the Reference points the
Mouse additional on all four Corners are situated become
- On vertical Measurements becomes also the Text vertical result
- it can now in the Text-Menu several Font sizes from 2 up to 26 be defined
- by the Write with SIGNUM!-Fonts becomes now first a Text frame defined
into the the Text appear should, for the Text to a uniform Height and
Width to bring
- it can also SIGNUM!-Laser-Fonts loaded become
- the Menu 'System-Configuration' is built-in became; here can the
Screensaver, the Blitter and the ALTERNATE-HELP-Hardcopy at- and Picture -
displayed, the Screen color inverted and the Time installed become,
after the itself the Screensaver switched on
- it can STAD-Sequences saved become
- all Dialog boxes are adjustable (so called 'FLY-Dials')
- the Alert boxes can also by the Keyboard made use of become
- all Keyboard functions function also in the Scroll-Mode
- the HP-DeskJet-/HP-LaserJet-Driver has been improved
- on all Lines functions becomes the Length the Line and the Angle with the
previous Line (on Radiate and Polygon) highlighted
- all Lengths O.AE. become now in the current measurement system highlighted
- the Error by the Load of NEOCHROME-Pictures is removed
- the Error by the Save of Screen-Pictures is removed (Mouse-pointer in the
- in the Magnifying glass are almost all Functions also by the Keyboard operable
- it can now also during the Draw(ing) 'scrolled' become
- the Printer output can now also by the serial port or into
a File succeed (thereby can you PAD-Picture even on PC'S print out...)
- the Printer-Driver-Editor has been complete revised and
supported now even Laser printer !!
New for V2.4:
- new Graphic format 'Printing-Press' can loaded become
- new Graphic format 'IFF' can loaded become
- load and save of IMG-Blocks happen finally as desired
- the right Mouse button can in the Main menu for Repeat a drawing function
used become
- Hardcopy-Intercept has been eliminated, there the many auxiliary programs do
not work..
- as Substitute lets the Key-click default on - and switch off
- faster Convert of Color pictures
- finally correct Load of STAD-Sequences with more as 10 Pictures
- if (from which basically really always...) just a single Picture of a Sequence
loaded become should, can you that by Press of ALTERNATE achieve that
- by the Load and Save of Sequences becomes the exactly current Picture
highlighted, so that you always exactly know, which Picture exactly saved or
loaded becomes
- On Pictures, whose Ending by 'Application start' specified is, becomes PAD
by Double click on that Picture automatic loaded and the appropriate Picture
becomes then from PAD automatic read in (even Sequences)
- the Block function "Turn" has been clear faster (100%) and is in addition
now error free
- the Screensaver has been complete(ly) revised>, so that it no one Problem by
Nonstandard monitors or Genlocks given
- by the eraser becomes the last Size continue, so that it no one
"giant-rubbers" more given
- faulty SIGNUM!-Fonts become being recognized, so that it with no Crash at
falsify SIGNUM!-Fonts come
- the SIGNUM!-Font buffer has been to 50kilobyte expanded, so that even large Fonts
loaded become can
- the Parameter can now in the Parameter menu saved and loaded become
(where you really are listened to...)
- On the Bezier curves become now additional the tangents highlighted, what for
make Drawing operation whole useful is
- by the "Magnify" to 0% crashes PAD no more from...
- the Accessory-Menu of PAD can now just still by the Menu entry leave
become, so that no one "open" ACC'S remaining remain; in addition has been the Menu-
entry broadened (improve Look...)
- the Animation is already with the Picture number 1 - 100 preselected, so that the
old "Click-orgy" eliminated
- with the Function "Freehand" can now even single Point is set become
- the Status- or. Coordinate display change now not more unconditional into
the center of the screen, but first then, when the Mouse on the top or bottom
edge located is
- by the Function "Line" can you now according to Configuration also "Line
stamp", d.H. several Line the same Length and angle draw
- all Functions in the Block menu can per Keyboard open become
- when no Printer driver loaded is, becomes no Refuse more printed, but
an Error report result
- on End of the Printing becomes now no Printer-Reset carried out, instead
appears a dialogue, asking whether a Formfeed carried out become should
- the Printer becomes now general by the "LST:"-Port spoken to, so that it
even with PANASONIC-Printers no one Problem give are allowed to
- by "File-Info" become now the Time and the Dates correct highlighted
New for PAD III (just a little Foretaste):
- all common and exotic picture formats of ST/Mac and PC can be read and
written (under it also TIFF, IFF, PCX, BMP, Mac, IMG etc.)
- the Size the Drawing area is free fixed and in the dimensions is only
Memory dependent (therefore is even the Load and Save of large IMG-Pictures
no Problem any more...)
- the Block functions become further expanded (perspective distortion, sine-
form distortion, into the space turn etc.)
- the SIGNUM!-Text functions become expanded, so that even Block mark,
Line wraparound etc larger than the complete Monitor screen possible are
Here a plea to all Owner of Atari-compatible Laser printers:
I myself no Laser printer own, please I ask all, who one such have,
for Help on possible Problems with the Driver. I will then on request
a special PAD-Version with Atari-Laser driver send you. If with it
any at all Problem appear should, please immediately to me report...
All Mailing to following Address:
Heiko Gemmel
Kormoranweg 33
4230 Wesel
TEL.: 0281/62667
To all Users of PAD:
Please notify me of every Error which you still find. I have before, PAD
V2.4 about all Errors eliminated, so that professional Work with PAD even
in the Shareware-Version is possible.
At this Place may I me to ALL the People say thank you to, that helped me
either with Routines, Tips, Error descriptions or on some other
Way during the Programming of PAD. Specially I say thank you to
the following who Aided:
Andreas Grundheber, Sacha Roth, Ingo Werstler, Udo Jendrysiak, Heiko Mueller,
T.U.M.-Software Edewecht, Markus Vogl, Christian Strasheim (PD Journal),
Thomas Bosch (TOS), Thierry Willemsens, Anton-Peter Maassen, Manfred Tillmans,
Ulrich Kiel, Norbert Pollock, Norbert Meyer and Bernhard Schneider
Much Fun by the Draw, Print and Write wish I (Heiko Gemmel) every
registered PAD-User!!!
P.S.: All Letters, Demands, requests etc. answer I only, when
appropriate Return postage is included. That means for "normal"
Letters without Disk 1 DM Postage, on Letters with a Disk 1,70 DM
Postage and on Letters me more than one Disk 2,40 DM Postage include.
All Letters without Return postage become basically not answered.
«English translation by Mike Valent, April 3, 1993»